The page you are reading is part of a draft (v2.0) of the "No bullshit guide to math and physics."

The text has since gone through many edits and is now available in print and electronic format. The current edition of the book is v4.0, which is a substantial improvement in terms of content and language (I hired a professional editor) from the draft version.

I'm leaving the old wiki content up for the time being, but I highly engourage you to check out the finished book. You can check out an extended preview here (PDF, 106 pages, 5MB).


If you feel like you learned something from my lessons, and want to give something back, then you can always buy me a coffee.

At this stage though, what I would really appreciate (perhaps even more than coffee!!!) is if you send me a detailed email about what you liked and disliked in

Do you like the tone?

Did you find things explained clearly?

Are the lessons too long, too wordy, beating about the bush?

Or are the lessons too fast and missing details?

What is missing?

What sucks? (Negative feedback is very important so I can improve the product)

Copy past all the above text and email me at:

Much appreciated.

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