The page you are reading is part of a draft (v2.0) of the "No bullshit guide to math and physics."

The text has since gone through many edits and is now available in print and electronic format. The current edition of the book is v4.0, which is a substantial improvement in terms of content and language (I hired a professional editor) from the draft version.

I'm leaving the old wiki content up for the time being, but I highly engourage you to check out the finished book. You can check out an extended preview here (PDF, 106 pages, 5MB).


The MATH and PHYSICS minireference is a comprehensive course on Calculus, Mechanics, Linear algebra, Electricity and Magnetism. All the important topics are explained in an intuitive and concise manner so that you the student can learn more efficiently. When there is only a couple of days left before the exam, what would you like to read: 400 page in a regular textbook or 50 pages in the minireference?

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